Week 14 July 7-13 Calendar of the Soul by Rudolf Steiner in English, French, German

Namaste dear Well Wishers,

Welcome to Verse 14 of the Calendar of the Soul Verses by Rudolf Steiner.
Hope you and your loved ones are well and thriving
in your part of the world.
If this is your birthday verse this week Birthday Blessings to you!

Over the past year we have been spending time each week with one of the 52 verses from the Calendar of the Soul meditations written in 1912 by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).

This was a project started on the 14th of July 2012 to celebrate the first year of the Well Wishers Group Blog.  Now, with this post we have reached our goal having spent time with each of the 52 verses.  This leads us, at the end of the week, to our second year anniversary.

Throughout the year, these verses have been sent to colleagues for their birthday verses at school, and I have received a generous offer to work with the artist Kristina Kiil (you’ll notice her credit to the art backgrounds each week).

This past school year, at our faculty meetings on Thursdays (being a Waldorf school) it was an enjoyable experience to hear the Calendar of the Soul verses being read out loud in English, French and German.

To type them out each week in the three languages became an interesting European experience changing the keyboard to suit the French and German languages from the QWERTY keyboard to AZERTY and then the QWERTZ layout and the brain naturally switching to my days as a Parisian legal secretary for the correct fingerings on the “French” keyboard.  It’s fascinating how the brain rapidly switches to French mode and so does the typing (for the most part).

So without further ado, on Sunday, July 7th, we move to Verse 14 (Week of July 7th – 13th).  The verses were originally written in German by Rudolf Steiner, included as well, are translations into English and French.

14. July 7-13 Calendar of the Soul

Artwork by Kristina Kiil

14. Fourteenth Week after Easter
(July 7th-13th)
Surrendering to senses’ revelation
I lost the drive of my own being,
And dreamlike thinking seemed
To daze and rob me of my self.
Yet quickening there draws near
In sense appearance cosmic thinking.
(Translation: Pusch)

14. La Quatorzième semaine:  7-13 juillet
En m’adonnant à tout ce que les sens révèlent
L’impulsion j’ai perdue vers l’être personnel,
Et mon penser semble comme en un rêve
M’assourdissant, ravir mon soi,
Déjà pourtant s’approche, m’éveillant
Dans l’eclat du sensible, le penser cosmique.
(Traduction: Paccoud)

14. Woche:  7-13 Juli
An Sinnesoffenbarung hingegeben
Verlor ich Eigenwesens Trieb,
Gedankentraum, er schien
Betäubend mir das Selbst zu rauben,
Doch weckend nahet schon
Im Sinnenschein mir Weltendenken.

The Meditations invite us to develop a deeper understanding of the spiritual forces at work throughout the year.

For Rudolf Steiner the year begins with Easter so the verses are numbered 1 to 26 for the summer half of the year (Easter to Michaelmas) and verses 27 to 52 for the winter months (Michaelmas to Palm Sunday).

Coming soon will be a heading at the top of the Well Wishers Group blog to access the 52 Calendar of the Soul verses with ease.  Enjoy!

Kindest regards,
Sri Devi

About Sri Devi

Welcome to the Well Wishers Group Blog! Many interests and creative pursuits bring Kindness and Well Wishes to life through my Art, being a Waldorf Teacher, Vegetarian, Hatha Yoga Practitioner and Teacher, Reflexologist, Heart to Art Greeting Card Creator, New Moon Astrologist. I'm a seeker of peaceful and meaningful ways to connect with people, animals and nature, celebrating Beauty within and without. Best wishes always, all ways! Enjoy!
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